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Three JS | Synchronize perspective camera position while switching between OrbitControls and DeviceOrientationControls

In my application ( React JS ) I'm switching between orbit controls and device orientation controls import { DeviceOrientationControls, OrbitControls } from '@react-three/drei'; ... const [...
Arm's user avatar
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Cannot set up custom camera in visionOS immersive space

I am unable to use a custom camera in visionOS immersive space. I wrote a minimal demo app (below), based on Apple's Immersive Environment App template. This app creates a box that is positioned so ...
Reinhard Männer's user avatar
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Z-Fighting on GeForce RTX but not on older cards

First, some pictures. Here is a CORRECT render done on a Quadro P2200, which is the main dev machine because of high compatibilty with mobile graphics in speed an acceleration: This is the image in ...
KiraHoneybee's user avatar
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How to display a RealityKit Perspective Camera View in a visionOS SwiftUI 2D window?

I am developing an immersive visionOS app based on RealityKit and SwiftUI. This app has ModelEntities that have a PerspectiveCamera entity as child. I want to display the camera view in a 2D window in ...
Reinhard Männer's user avatar
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Image analysis with MATLAB: transforming an image taken at an angle back to direct view

I have a series of photographs taken at an angle, like this: What I would like to do is "straighten" these photographs into direct view: The above examples are taken from this Photoshop ...
Jonathan Huang's user avatar
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Zooming in/out on a sphere while the point position under cursor stays invariant

Just like in google earth, my game renders a sphere with the camera moving around it. The sphere has the radius 1 and is centered at the coordinate origin. The camera is always targeting the sphere ...
Basti's user avatar
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How to do Perspective Transformation of Image

Suppose I have colmap camera poses, is it possible and how to obtain a new view of input image I (planar object) from a different viewpoint/camera pose using those poses? Colmap camera poses has ...
pkn's user avatar
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Three.js Camera auto changes value of position and up (direction)

I’m having an issue about saving and loading the camera’s position and up (the direction in which the camera is looking at). I’m looking for help. I’m sorry I cannot reproduce the same context. I’m ...
qt_d's user avatar
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Can one predict the location of the unseen point?

My question is quite simple. I have two images, on the first one I know the location of points P1, P2, P3, and P4. In the second image, I know the location of P2', P3', P4', and point Q'. Is there any ...
apraglez's user avatar
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Get the coordinate of a model point from the screen

There is a some 2D object, it is located in the coordinate range -1 to 1. In world space it is also located in these coordinates (but z is shifted by -3 units). My matrixes: m_model.translate({0.0,0.0,...
Ar4's user avatar
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Load panorama at specific position then move from there on click and drag

I have a panorama. I have an object on that panorama, and I have the xyz position of the object. On the onload event of the panorama, the camera sets to a default position, if I give it no ...
papercut's user avatar
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Correct screen positioning of a sprite in a pseudo 3D environment

I am currently working on a small project in PICO-8 (that's why the code is in Lua and I am rendering to a 128x128 screen), where I tried re-creating a pseudo-3D environment similar to the Mode-7 ...
Simon Weiler's user avatar
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How to account for yaw and pitch tilt for real world landmark object labeled on iOS camera view perspective

Have an iOS app that labels landmarks (e.g. buildings, mountains the user) in the camera view in realtime, i.e. what the user sees in front of him. When it is straight on, it is no problem and ...
hqt08's user avatar
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Postprocessing Perspective Transformation in Three.js

i want to create a scene in three.js, where the camera is moving. In every frame there are 4 points visible which form a quadriliteral. Subsequently, I want to process each frame by warping these 4 ...
luuuucaaa's user avatar
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I am making a 3D Engine but even with the correct matrixes but it breaks when rotating

So, I have make a 3d engine and I am trying to make the camera orbit around the player (in this case a cube), I have code for orbiting, 3D Projection, etc. but even with the correct matrixes the ...
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