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175 votes
12 answers

HTML slider with two inputs possible?

Is it possible to make a HTML5 slider with two input values, for example to select a price range? If so, how can it be done?
frequent's user avatar
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138 votes
4 answers

How do you make a WPF slider snap only to discrete integer positions?

All too often I want a WPF Slider control that behaves like the System.Windows.Forms.TrackBar of old. That is, I want a slider that goes from X to Y but only allows the user to move it in discrete ...
cplotts's user avatar
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97 votes
6 answers

Logarithmic slider

I have a slider with values ranging from 0 to 100. I want to map them to a range from 100 to 10,000,000. I've seen some functions scattered around the net but they're all in C++. I need it in ...
user103773's user avatar
96 votes
4 answers

jQuery UI sliders on touch devices

I'm developing a website using jQuery UI, and there are several elements on my site that appear to be incompatible when viewed on touchscreen devices; they don't cause any errors, but the behavior is ...
jqcoder's user avatar
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94 votes
18 answers

Change the Arrow buttons in Slick slider

I want to change the arrows in my slick slider but it does not change. I want the next and previous button as an image. I have tried putting it in a <style> but it still not working. Where can I ...
Jennifer's user avatar
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74 votes
6 answers

Touch move getting stuck Ignored attempt to cancel a touchmove

I'm messing around with touch events on a touch slider and I keep getting the following error: Ignored attempt to cancel a touchmove event with cancelable=false, for example because scrolling is ...
souporserious's user avatar
68 votes
3 answers

Error in slick.js: "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'add' of null"

I used slick js for slider view of image. Here is my code. <div class="slider_wrap add-remove"> <%= f.fields_for :images do |image_form| %> <%#= render 'images_fields', :f =&...
Pooja Mokariya's user avatar
65 votes
13 answers

WPF: Slider with an event that triggers after a user drags

I am currently making an MP3 player in WPF, and I want to make a slider that will allow the user to seek to a particular position in an MP3 by sliding the slider to the left or right. I have tried ...
Andreas Grech's user avatar
65 votes
12 answers

JQuery Slider, how to make "step" size change

Is it possible to use the JQuery Slider (range slider / dual slider) to have non-linear (non consistent "step" size) values? I want to horizontal Slider to look like: |----|----|----|----|----|------...
user avatar
59 votes
5 answers

Does C# WinForms have a slider control?

Can someone guide me if C# WinForms has a slider control? I see WPF has it but it doesn't show up for me in WinForms what could be the problem?
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47 votes
5 answers

Flutter - Remove default padding in Slider

I am wondering how I can remove the default padding in Flutter Slider Current output is like this, default padding of Slider is clearly visible Here's my code:: Positioned( ...
CodingWithRoyal's user avatar
47 votes
2 answers

Swiper slides - showing end/start of previous/next slides like Airbnb Slider?

Above is the slider from Airbnb. Is there a way to get a similar effect with Swiper? For the first slide, there is a blank space on the left and start of the next slide. For the middle slide, there ...
Dee's user avatar
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47 votes
5 answers

iOS how to make slider stop at discrete points

I would like to make a slider stop at discrete points that represent integers on a timeline. What's the best way to do this? I don't want any values in between. It would be great if the slider ...
gonzobrains's user avatar
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46 votes
6 answers

JSX React HTML5 Input Slider Doesn't Work

I'm using React.JS for a build, and am building a range input slider with two choices for a component. this is my code: <input id="typeinp" type="range" min="0" max="5" value="3" step="1"/> ...
CodeFromthe510's user avatar
46 votes
3 answers

How can I customize Slider widget in Flutter?

Is it possible to customize a Slider Widget in Flutter? Like this:
Marcel Golob's user avatar

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