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16 votes
3 answers

Create bindings to native libraries .net Maui

Is there any way to bind native libraries like in Xamarin? I have tried to do some native implementations in the new .NET Maui and haven't had success on it. I would really appreciate if someone has ...
jaesjulio's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Visual Studio 2022 ignores selected framework context for .NET MAUI

I'm trying to add platform-specific code for iOS to my .NET MAUI app. I'm targeting an iPhone with net6.0-ios: However, Visual Studio thinks I'm targeting Android: Compiling and running the app ...
Ted Nyberg's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

Forcing specific MAUI view to Landscape Orientation using MultiTargeting Feature working for Android but not iOS

I need a specific MAUI page to be in Landscape only orientation. I found this tutorial about forcing device orientation and I am using the multi-targeting feature of MAUI to implement the device ...
David Pugh's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

error NETSDK1032: The RuntimeIdentifier platform 'ios-arm64' and the PlatformTarget 'x64' must be compatible

I've had this error already over here: Errors with dotnet publish but I was able to sneak away from it, by just creating a brand new solution. Well, that's not an option anymore, because I am working ...
Chris's user avatar
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6 votes
5 answers

The "CompileAppManifest" task was not given a value for the required parameter "DefaultSdkVersion"

I am trying to test my .Net MAUI app on my iPhone on PC Visual Studio 2022 that is paired to a Mac with xCode and everything installed. My iPhone is connected to Mac, and I am trying to deploy to it ...
David Shochet's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

.NET Maui won't run application on iOS

So I've got a simple app that works on the Android emulator and physical Opel phone, but when I deploy to iPhone I getting a bunch of errors. For starters... Could not resolve assembly Microsoft....
Stephen York's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

ITMS-90482: Invalid Executable The executable contains bitcode

I have a .NET MAUI application that is built and signed in release mode using XCode 14.2 on a Mac that targets .NET SDK 7.0.203. When I create the package locally (or via GitHub Action) and attempt to ...
envyM6's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

A bunch of UIGraphics methods were deprecated in iOS 17 with no clear replacement?

I have a piece of code where I use the UIGraphics methods and it seems that the three methods that I was using are all deprecated. This is a piece of Xamarin.iOS code but I am sure Swift users can ...
FreakyAli's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Is there a known bug when changing splash screen in .Net Maui?

Unfortunately I am really in despair. I am trying to change the splashscreen of my Maui App on my IPhone. In vain. I have already searched all forums from Github
Stefano's user avatar
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0 answers

I'm trying to use native C++ libraries in a MAUI app and cannot get it working for MacOS/iOS

There's a great article here that describes how to use native C++ libraries in Xamarin/C#, and I would assume that this would extend to MAUI:
Wes Hodges's user avatar
5 votes
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DVTDeveloperModeHelper not found why trying to deploy to a physical iOS device from Rider

I am developing a mobile app, targeting iOS and Android, I started developing it over in Visual Studio 2022 on Windows but have moved over to MacOS, due to having issues with the iOS simulator not ...
JamesStuddart's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

.Net MAUI startup crash System.IO.FileNotFoundException

(Edit: initially I was getting an null exception, this moved to the TagetInvocation after removing the appcenter Nugets, and finally now getting this exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException) I am ...
Nissaba's user avatar
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Difference between debug and release builds in Maui ios

I'm using Maui preview (now release candidate) with a blazorwebview, to build a fairly simple app which connects to a webservice and synchronises data. The windows and Android versions flew by. The ...
Jim's user avatar
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