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0 votes
1 answer

imagemagick -- convert: no decode delegate for this image format `TIFF'

I'm trying to convert an image "img.tif" to "img.jpg" with the following command: convert img.tif img.jpg And this error arises: convert: no decode delegate for this image format `TIFF' @ error/...
1 vote
3 answers

Convert .HEIC to .JPG with ImageMagick in PHP

I am looking to try and create a small image converter that would convert HEIC files that are uploaded to a php web document to .JPG (or any other generic file format). I am running PHP off a unix ...
0 votes
0 answers

ImageMagick don't run with php exec()

I tried to use ImageMagick to convert images with php. The ImageMagick run on cli using the exec() command, but it dont work. I already tried to run ImageMagick with the same command on linux terminal ...
2 votes
1 answer

How to distort an image using wand

I'm trying to the same that was asked in this old question but in python using wand. so far I have done the following: from wand.image import Image from wand.display import display # Paths to your ...
72 votes
5 answers

ImageMagick: convert image to PDF with A4 page size and image fit to page

I want to convert different image formats (bmp,jpg,gif,png,tiff-incluging multipaged) into a PDF format with A4 page size and with images fit to page (resized if necessary). Image should be positioned ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to remove ringing/anti-aliasing/gradients from PNG with ImageMagick?

I am converting PNG icons to SVG, and results are better with sharp edges in the PNG. No gradients/anti-aliasing etc.. Results so far are ok, I am using a combination of -kmeans, -median, and -...
20 votes
4 answers

How to crop image from center without resizing with imagemagick

for parentDir in * do cd "$parentDir" for subDir in * do cd "$subDir" for file in *.* do convert "$file" -crop 120x95 summary_"$file" ...
0 votes
0 answers

MissingDelegateError no decode delegate for this image format `EMF' converting image/x-emf to image/x-png

below python function convert emf format image to png. from wand.image import Image def process_image(self, image): if image.content_type == "image/x-emf": with as ...
0 votes
1 answer

Imagemagick convert -thumbnail with out of bounds selected frame produces unwanted files

I'm new to imagemagick, my goal is to make a thumbnail from an image or a video with the selected frame. If I request an out of bounds frame, I'm expecting the command to fail and to not produce ...
4 votes
1 answer

How to create watermark like shutterstock with imagemagick

I want to create image watermark like Shutterstock. I have tried but not able to replicate it. I tried with the following command. The issue is for me is i not able to add diagonal random text to ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Split image of any size into to 4 quarters

I am trying to create a script that splits any input image into 4 different parts (2x2). I tried the following: convert "$1" -crop 50%x50% +repage output%d.jpg With some input images it ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to force PHP to use the new ImageMagick version?

Been at this for about 2 hours now, read about 20 articles on Google. Fired everything I had into the terminal and its still not working. Restarted Apache and PHP-FPM several times. My Server ...
5 votes
3 answers

Detect if image is grayscale or color using Imagick

I'm attempting to try and assign a value to an image based on its 'saturation level', to see if the image is black and white or color. I'm using Imagick, and have found what seems to be the perfect ...
1 vote
2 answers

Add Text in the center of the image using ImageMagick

I am trying to draw text on the center of the existing image but not able to achieve desired result: Here is so far i have tried convert src-image.png -gravity center -pointsize 144 -fill red -...
6 votes
2 answers

Can ImageMagick be prevented from overwriting an existing image?

When converting an image, ImageMagick's default behavior seems to be to overwrite any existing file. Is it possible to prevent this? I'm looking for something similar to Wget's --no-clobber download ...

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